Now Interpret This!


With mentor(s) in a safe, friendly environment, of course! NIT receives student applications at anytime. However, the semesters begin in January, May and September. You can begin your Semester 101 in any of the semesters, as long as we have a minimum number of students starting with you. Fill out our student application at the bottom of this page. (We are working on new course descriptions, as we have just revamped and integrated new course work into our curriculum). We pray over all applications before accepting new students and will let you know if you are accepted or declined within a week or so. Most declinations are based upon the concern that the school is not a good fit for the individual. We do look forward to meeting you!

The NIT training program is intimate oversight and interaction with our incredible coaches and directors. The program is a pretty immersive experience and the time commitment can be anywhere from 10-20 hours a week, depending on your computer skills and how efficiently you schedule and work. Your training is facilitated by online classrooms with the coaches and directors of the departments.

  • You’ll gain confidence in hearing the voice of God.
  • You’ll have a safe place to step out and take a risk
  • You’ll learn how to deliver a message in an “easy to swallow” format
  • You’ll learn to shift your language to speak effectively to those outside church culture
  • You will learn dream interpretation and prophetic delivery as we believe they go hand in hand
  • You’ll develop much faster with team support than with reading books and trying to figure it out on your own
  • You’ll have people cheering you on and validating you when you get into self-doubt You’ll experience a deeper levels of healing, especially connected to relational interaction
  • You’ll always have a sounding board
  • You’ll gain a family that prays, supports and is probably as offbeat as you
  • You’ll make incredible friendships

What’s expected and how that possible 10-20 hours can break down:

A few hours a week to work on your assignments independently Time to connect with your instructor each week, typically in your online classroom conversations A few minutes per day checking in on the school forum and interacting as part of the community. Attendance at the online Drop In event every month (It’s one Saturday every month from 9 – 11 am PST USA.) ​

Apply Now!