Now Interpret This!

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The purpose of the “NOW, INTERPRET THIS!” (Dream and Prophetic Studies) forum is to be an “ON and OFF” line school, training in sensitivity to the heart of Creator God and delivering His thoughts by His Spirit. We train and activate in excellence of character, copacetic protocol, language for delivery and clean filtering for the purpose of bringing freedom where it is needed.

Our humble beginning was interpreting dreams on a special Facebook Page, still in existence "@InterpretThis." We, the founder and staff, are avid believers in the redemption and healing, along with every powerful attribute of the ONE TRUE and LIVING GOD. We do not however, judge the gifts in individuals by their spiritual position or belief system. We believe that our job, is to mine the treasures within and in so doing, we operate through relational development.

Those who know Melody Paasch, know that she has long had a vision to equip believers for the work of the Kingdom of God, in reaching a those who are less than comfortable in the 4 walls of any type of church. She and her team believe that part of that fruit includes those who are overlooked, judged or ostracized by traditional organized religion. We find daily that many have turned their backs not only on the traditional church, but on God Himself, because of their dealings with some who call themselves Christians. One of our greatest desires is to prepare a people who will reach out in the places of deep darkness, as Jesus did, with the love of Father’s heart. Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father do. This is the heart of this organization, as well.

The NIT School is for a radical people, who are not content conforming to religious and traditional ritualism. It is for individuals whose heart is after relationship above theology, doctrine or intellectual pride. Individuals whose heart is passionate in the pursuit of engagement with the true lover of their soul. Those who know that true reward comes from perseverance and practice of their God-given skills.

A practical list in our mandate includes:

  1. Raising up a people who are called to be prophetic/intuitive in their everyday life.
    (Covet above all the gifts, to prophesy. Edifying and building up the Saints.)
  2. Equipping a people to hear the voice of God clearly and to be obedient to respond for His purposes.
    (In these difficult times we must be led by The Spirit.)
  3. Training a people to use dream interpretation and the prophetic, in reaching outside the walls of traditional church association.
    (Every individual desires to know the meaning of their dreams, and what their maker has in store for their lives. Few deny receiving love from the heart of their Creator.)
  4. Helping to launch people in personal ministry/activities through occupation, business or other personal interaction.
    (God is calling us out into the marketplace to change the atmosphere where He places us. We will not all stand behind a pulpit or upon a church platform. Jesus came out of the synagogue to touch the world.)
  5. Aiding individuals in needed emotional/spiritual healing and deliverance through personal mentoring and ongoing relationship.